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Chief Ministers advised to take up Jute-ICARE programme in their states

Related Keywords: Chief Ministers advised, developed microbial assisted retting among farmers, earnings of jute farmers increased, Improved Cultivation and Advanced Retting Exercise for Jute, intensively in few blocks in West Bengal and Assam, Jute ICARE, launched to popularize better agronomic practices, pilot basis, take up Jute ICARE programme under RKVV

Improved Cultivation and Advanced Retting Exercise for Jute (Jute – ICARE) was launched in 2015 to popularize/introduce some of the better agronomic practices and recently developed microbial-assisted retting among farmers intensively in a few blocks in West Bengal and Assam on pilot basis. As a result of these interventions, the earnings of jute farmers have increased by more than Rs.10,000 per hectare.

Govt to strengthen jute sector to implement schemes and measures

Related Keywords: below a certain level, Government to strengthen jute sector, implement schemes and measures, Incentive Scheme for Acquisition of Plants and Machinery, JCI procures raw jute at MSP, Jute ICARE, Jute Packaging Materials, measures taken whenever market price of raw jute falls, promotion of diversification, support jute manufacturing units

Government to strengthen its jute sector and support the jute manufacturing units to implement the certain schemes and measures. The information on it was given by the Minister of State, Textiles, Shri Ajay Tamta in a written reply to a Lok Sabha question.

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