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Esprit joins the partnership for sustainable textiles set up by German govt

Related Keywords: Esprit, improve living and environmental condition, international fashion brand, joined Partnership for Sustainable Textiles, represents style and quality, set up by German government, stakeholders from textile industry, workers in textile manufacturing countries

Esprit is an international fashion brand that represents style and quality since 1968 and it has a presence in over 40 countries with approximately 900 directly managed retail stores and over 7,800 wholesale points of sale, including franchise stores and sales spaces in department stores with inspiring collections for women, men and kids has joined the Partnership for Sustainable Textiles set up in 2014 by the German government and stakeholders from textile industry.

International clothing brands set to be part of the Origin Africa Expo in Nairobi

Related Keywords: African textile industry, cotton textile product, international fashion brand, Origin Africa expo

The Origin Africa expo to be held in Nairobi is conceptualized to raise awareness about Africa as a key sourcing destination for supply of cotton, textile products and fabrics. Seven Eastern Africa countries have signed up for the event, with more than 20 other African states expected to show interest.

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