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African countries to begin export cotton duty and quota free

Related Keywords: African countries mainly Burkina, beginning of next year, Benin, can begin export cotton, Chad and Mali and other developing countries, developed countries, duty and quota free, Faso, gain greater access to non-producing foreign markets, global deal sealed, LDCs to export more cotton, tenth Ministerial Conference, World Trade Organization

The World Trade Organization’s 10th Ministerial Conference held in Nairobi, Kenya, from December 15 to 19, was the first such meeting hosted by an African nation where the ministers agreed on a deal that will allow least developed countries (LDCs) to export more cotton to developed countries. Following a global deal sealed, African countries mainly Burkina, Faso, Benin, Chad and Mali and other developing countries can begin to export their cotton to developed countries duty-and quota-free from from beginning of next year, January1, 2016.

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