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H&M plans to open another 240 stores by end of the year

Related Keywords: Asian clothing and apparel sector, fast fashion clothing, fast fashion retailers, grow rapidly, growth in apparel industry, Hennes & Mautitz AB, introduce premium brand Cos in China, most in China and the US, open additional two hundred forty new stores, produce high quantities, rely on cheap labor, Swedish retail clothing company

Hennes & Mautitz AB (H&M), Swedish multinational retail-clothing company, known for its fast-fashion clothing for men, women, teenagers and children plans to open an additional 240 new stores this year. In the third quarter, H&M opened 36 new stores, but in the fourth quarter 240 new stores are scheduled to open, most of which will be in China and the US. H&M already has 299 locations in China, but growth in the country’s apparel industry makes it a promising hotbed for retailers.

H&M to introduce 16 new denim styles from recycled cotton

Related Keywords: fast fashion clothing, from textile collected, Hennes & Mauritz, in store Garment Collecting Initiative, introduce new denim pieces, made using recycled cotton, retail clothing company

H & M Hennes & Mauritz AB, Swedish multinational retail-clothing company, known for its fast-fashion clothing to introduce new denim pieces made using recycled cotton next month. The company will introduce a total of 16 new denim styles that incorporate recycled cotton from textiles collected in through its in-store Garment Collecting Initiative.

The denim pieces include men’s, women’s and child’s styles, and they will be available in stores worldwide and online.

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