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Active trading continues at cotton market

Related Keywords: continued to witness active trading, cotton bales, ex-Karachi rates rose, fixed the official spot rate, Grade 3 cotton, Karachi Cotton Association, Karachi cotton exchange, or base price, Spot rate stood unchanged, transport charges also escalated, upcountry expenses increased

Karachi Cotton Exchange on Tuesday continued to witness active trading, while upcountry expenses increased Rs10 a maund. According to an analyst, upcountry expenses increased after a period of around two years, as transport charges also escalated

Spot rate stood unchanged at Rs6,350/maund (37.324 kilogrammes) and Rs6,802/40-kg. However, ex-Karachi rates rose to Rs6,495/maund and Rs6,960/40-kg after addition of Rs145 and Rs155 as upcountry expenses, respectively.

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