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Lord launches polyurethane based adhesive

Related Keywords: adhesives, aerospace, and sensing technologies, automotive and industrial solutions, coatings, composites industry trade fair, defence, Feiplar Composites show, Fusor 2001/2003 NG polyurethane-based adhesive, high-performance coatings, innovative oil and gas, Lord, motion management devices, polyurethane

Lord has around 3,100 employees in 26 countries and operates 19 manufacturing facilities and 10 R&D centres worldwide, with world headquarters in Cary, NC. Lord earnestly encourages STEM education and many other community engagement initiatives. Lord has been operating in Brazil since 1972, based in a factory located in Jundiaí, São Paulo. In November the company will present its latest development at the Feiplar Composites show, the main composites industry trade fair in Latin America.

Malaysian to create a niche market in technical textile

Related Keywords: aerospace, automotive, construction, defence, export opportunities, Malaysian Investment Development Authority (MIDA), medical, technical and functional textiles or high performance textiles

Malaysia's strategy is to attract more companies in the technical and functional textiles or high performance textiles (such as flame-resistant, anti-bacteria, wrinkle-free, oil and water repellent, abrasion/tear resistant textiles) sub-sectors where high demand will come from high-end applications in the defence, aerospace, automotive, medical, construction and other industries, according to Malaysian Investment Development Authority (MIDA) director based Frankfurt, S. Sivasuriyamoorthy.

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