In India, prices of 30s combed cotton yarn for knitting fell INR4 a kg in the first week of September (down US cents 7 a kg) in Ludhiana in line with weak fibre cost during the week. Prices have declined for more than 5% since first week of August.
if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] == '/textile_intelligence/textile-news') { ?> } else { ?> } ?> if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] == '/textile_intelligence/textile-article') { ?> } ?>
$allnews = substr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 0, 27); $allnewsinner = substr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 0, 19); $newstag = substr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 0, 16); if ($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] == '' && $newstag == '/news/news-tags/') { ?>In India, prices of 30s combed cotton yarn for knitting fell INR4 a kg in the first week of September (down US cents 7 a kg) in Ludhiana in line with weak fibre cost during the week. Prices have declined for more than 5% since first week of August.