Related Keywords: buying cotton from Gujarat, cotton farmers of Punjab, forced to import cotton, Ginners mixing lower quality cotton, increasing adulteration, NITMA, reduce losses, rise in cotton price, Saurashtra Ginners Association, SIMA, Textile mills and traders in north and south India, with higher quality cotton
Textile mills and traders in north and south India buying cotton from Gujarat forced to import cotton over the increasing adulteration, the usual rate of adulteration of 10-15 percent has climbed to 40 per cent this year. Increase in cotton adulteration is also seen in Maharashtra.
According to Arvind Pan, vice-president of the Saurashtra Ginners’ Association (SGA), ginners are losing Rs 500-700 per bale of raw cotton. Many ginners are mixing lower quality cotton with higher quality cotton to reduce their losses. Yet their returns are not good.