Related Keywords: active wear, Celluloic fiber manufacturer, flat knits and circular knits, high end textile, introduce new dimension, Lenzing Austria, Lyocell fiber TINCEl, merino wool, Merino wool a protein fiber, offers moisture management properties, signs cooperation agreement, TENCEL botanic origin, The Woolmark Company
The Lenzing Group, Lenzing, Austria cellulosic fibre manufacturer, signed a cooperation agreement with the Woolmark Company, Sydney, Australia, to partnership between the lyocell fiber TINCELĀ® and Merino wool so that the fiber duo introduces a new dimension to high-end textiles and active wear.
TENCEL is of botanic origin and offers moisture management properties while Merino wool is a protein fiber that is fine and glossy. The two fibers together have already recorded a large number of successes and the blend is popular among customers in Europe and the U.S.