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Bangladeshi RMG companies turn to make factories more environmentally friendly

Related Keywords: ABA Group, Bangladeshi RMG companies, build greener factories, Cleaner textiles program, Envoy Textile and Viyellatex, factories environmentally friendly, full-fledged biological ETP solution, IFC backed Partnership agreement, investment, leading brands, long term benefits, reduce carbon emission, save water, Zara Inditex

As consumers all around the world and leading brands are placing ever more importance on good factory environments and environmental sustainability, Bangladeshi RMG companies has started making investment to turn their factories more environmentally friendly which will bring long term benefits.

It is encouraging seeing such investment which helps reduce carbon emissions as well as saving water being supported by Spain’s Zara-Inditex, one of the world’s largest apparel retailers, with the help of the IFC backed Partnership Agreement on Cleaner Textiles (PACT) program.

Four Bangladeshi RMG companies joined the partnership for sustainable textile

Related Keywords: Bangladeshi RMG companies, Declaration of Accession, Dhaka Apparel summit, environmental, German Parliamentary state secretary, global textile, Hans Joachim Fuchtel, partnership, promote, signed, social improvements, supply chain., Sustainable textiles

Hans-Joachim Fuchtel, the German Parliamentary State Secretary during his recent visit to Dhaka Apparel Summit 2014 to promote the work of the Partnership for Sustainable Textiles announcement four Bangladeshi ready-made garment (RMG) companies have joined the partnership.

The Partnership for Sustainable Textiles which was recently established by German Federal Development Minister Dr Gerd Mueller with the aim of bringing about environmental and social improvements in the global textile supply chain.

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