include "../rcontrol/config.php";
include "../rcommon/functions.php";
include "../rcommon/stripallslashes.php";
include "../rcommon/database.php";
include "$SERVERPATH/mis/includes/config_fonts.php";
include "$SERVERPATH/mis/includes/";
include "$SERVERPATH/mis/includes/";
include "$SERVERPATH/mis/includes/functions.php";
// Commenting 'Login Check'
//check if the user has already logged on
$result = mysql_db_query($DATABASE, "SELECT memberlogin, memberexpdate FROM logger WHERE abc='$abc'");
if(mysql_error()) error("Unexpected Error !!");
$count = mysql_num_rows($result);
if ($count==0)
$go = urlencode("!relibrary/index~");
Header ("Location: ../ruser/index.php?go=$go");
$login = stripslashes(mysql_result($result,0,0));
$expdate = mysqltime_to_mktime(stripslashes(mysql_result($result,0,1)));
$currenttime= time();
if($expdate<$currenttime) error($ACCOUNTEXPIREDMESSAGE);
//getting features and making variable to print it
$sql = "SELECT id, title, smalldescription, thumbnail, source, recorddate FROM features WHERE type='feature' AND catalogue='Global' AND visible='Y' ORDER BY recorddate desc limit 3";
$result = mysql_db_query($DATABASE, $sql);
if(mysql_error()) error("Unexpected Error !!");
// if no records found then displaying default message
if(mysql_num_rows($result)==0) $displayfeatures = "
No features found !! |
$id = stripslashes($row[0]);
$title = htmlentities(strtoupper(stripslashes($row[1])));
$smalldescription = htmlentities(stripslashes($row[2]));
$thumbnail = stripslashes($row[3]);
$source = htmlentities(stripslashes($row[4]));
$recorddate = mysqltime_to_mktime(stripslashes($row[5]));
$recorddate = htmlentities(date("d M Y",$recorddate));
$displayfeatures .= "
$title $recorddate - by $source
$smalldescription Full Story |
//prepairing glossary item for right banner
$result = mysql_db_query($DATABASE,"SELECT *, id*0+rand() AS randcol FROM glossary ORDER BY randcol LIMIT 1");
if(mysql_error()) error("Unexpected Error !!");
$term = stripslashes($row[1]);
$meaning = stripslashes($row[2]);
$image = stripslashes($row[4]);
$neatimage = "";
if($image!="null") $neatimage = "
$displayglossary = "Glossary |
$neatimage".h_($term).": ".h_($meaning)."
//prepairing industry events item for right banner
$today = substr(mktime_to_mysqltime(time()),0,8);
$result = mysql_db_query($DATABASE,"SELECT startdate, enddate, title, image FROM industryevent WHERE startdate >= $today ORDER BY startdate LIMIT 1");
if(mysql_error()) error("Unexpected Error !!");
$startdate = stripslashes($row[0]);
$startdate = mysqltime_to_mktime($startdate);
$startdate = date("d M-Y",$startdate);
$enddate = stripslashes($row[1]);
$enddate = mysqltime_to_mktime($enddate);
$enddate = date("d M-Y",$enddate);
$title = stripslashes($row[2]);
$image = stripslashes($row[3]);
$neatimage = "";
if($image!="null") $neatimage = "
$displayevents = "Industry Events |
$title ($startdate - $enddate) $neatimage
//prepairing tradeassociation item for right banner
$result = mysql_db_query($DATABASE,"SELECT count(id) FROM tradeassociation");
if(mysql_error()) error("Unexpected Error !!");
$num = stripslashes(@mysql_result($result,0,0));
$displaytrade = "Trade Associations |
Connect to $num association around the world. |
include "../metatags.php" ?>
echo $SITENAMEDISPLAYBIG ?>.com - Statistics of the textile industry, graphs, piecharts, world production
include "../rssi/head.php" ?>
include "../rssi/topbanner.php" ?>
include "links.php" ?>
![](/images/spacer.gif) |
include "leftbanner.php" ?>
![](/images/spacer.gif) |
World View |
Graphical Representations Get statistics on the world yarns and fibres production and production capacities. Know which countries are increasing production and of which fibres. |
Tabular Representations To download:
1. Choose the table you want to download. 2.Click on the 'get now' link in the same row. 3.Save the file on your local computer. |
//displaying grossary item only if found
echo $displayglossary;
//displaying industry event only if found
echo $displayevents;
//displaying tradeassociation only if found
echo $displaytrade;
Industry Reports |
//include "../rssi/ptincl_revamp1.php"
echo get_ir_headers($login,0,2,$searchSTR);
echo get_ir_headers_homepage_centre(2);
echo " ";
//echo $displayfeatures; ?> |
include "../rssi/bottombanner.php" ?>