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Polyester Staple Fiber prices
2015-07-29 11:14:47
Cotton and polyester yarn prices move in line with fibre values
In the week of 24 July cotton yarn markets saw marginal fluctuation but were mired in sluggish transactions, with downstream placing thinner orders. In China, sales of regular and high-quality yarns
2015-06-30 17:29:00
Polyester pricing softening across the value chain
Polyester pricing has been on a sluggish mode ever since crude oil price began to dwindle with occasional peaks and troughs. In the week ended 19 June, polyester upstream feedstock, ethylene markets
2015-05-13 17:35:00
Polyester pricing up in April on production disruptions and surging crude
Production disruptions caused by fire at major PTA and MEG plants in China pushed up Asian raw material prices in April, triggering an immediate response in polyester chain. The surge was largely for
2015-04-28 17:30:00
Polyester chain witnessed another bout of cost-push price advances
The polyester chain witnessed another bout of price advances in the week ended 24 April, with polyester staple fibre and filament yarn prices zooming past or almost at par with its previous high seen
2015-01-13 15:50:00
Filament and spun yarn prices retreating rapidly mirroring oil markets
Until now the immediate impact of the fall in crude oil prices was mostly on the upstream products of the textile value chains. The very first oil derivative to react was naphtha and further down in
2014-09-08 12:46:00
Falling crude triggers cost reduction in raw materials for making polyester
In the week ended 5 September, crude oil prices climbed more than US$2 early in the week as the markets bounced off several month lows hit in the previous week. Also prospects for peace in CIS and a
2014-08-14 16:42:00
Feedstock still supporting polyester chain, but for how long?
Feedstock paraxylene markets will continue to support downstream polyester segment for some time since more and more PTA capacity will come on stream while paraxylene supplies will remain short until
2014-08-11 17:00:00
Synthetic fiber prices witnessed decline by 2.5 percent in July
In Asia, the world’s largest fiber-producing region, the prices of synthetic fiber witnessed decline by 2.5% in the month July compared to the same month last year after rising during a few
2014-05-26 12:19:00
Bullish feedstock sparks polyester chain, PTA-MEG rises further
Asian ethylene markets were on the bullish note in the week ended 23 May as spot supplies tightened amid a lack of regional supply, supporting prices to rise. The markers rose US$12 a ton CFR
2014-03-19 12:45:00
Polyester chain prices seen crashing down rapidly last week
As bearish sentiments continue to cast dark covering over the entire chemical fiber industry, prices of most varieties are hitting 11-year low. Producers are caught in great losses and the downtrend
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