You searched for: lower prices

Cotton prices decline amid dull buying

Cotton futures on the Intercontinental Exchange (ICE) will have a direct impact on Indian prices. ICE cotton futures traded at…

6 years ago

Caprolactum prices downswing amid falling benzene and ample supply

The SE and FE Asian caprolactum markers on the lower end were down US$330 a ton in the week ended…

6 years ago

Nylon-6 chip prices see mixed trend while supply was still high

In China, bright conventional spinning nylon-6 prices rose US$10 a ton in the week ended 26 October 2018 while semi-dull…

6 years ago

Polyester chip producers lower offers amid poor buying interest

Asian marker, FOB Taiwan/Korea for semi-dull continuous spinning fibre grade chip fell US$67 a ton in the week ended 26…

6 years ago

Nylon-6 chip prices weaken in China

In China, bright conventional spinning nylon-6 prices in the first week of October was down US$15 a ton as compared…

6 years ago

Nylon or polyamide prices witness bullish trend in August

Nylon or polyamide chip prices in Asia rose in August 2018 supported by high caprolactum cost and tight supply while…

6 years ago

Nylon raw material prices stable-to-higher in H2 August 2018

CPL offers in China were largely stable in the week ended 24 August 2018 as supply tightness was easing a…

6 years ago

CPL prices inch up while nylon-6 prices hold firm in Asia

The SE and FE Asian caprolactum markers on the lower end rose US$10 a ton in the week ended 3…

6 years ago

Reduction in cotton prices

The world leading cotton markets gave mixed trend with New York cotton closing steady and Chinese cotton moved lower. The…

6 years ago

Cotton prices up on strong demand for quality lint by spinners

Prices up over sustained demand for quality lint from needy spinners to meet their seasonal requirements at cotton market on…

7 years ago