You searched for: International Labour Organisation

Sustainability, a core for Vietnamese suppliers

Vietnamese manufacturers need to focus on sustainability in order to take a bigger stake in the global supply chain, according…

5 years ago

Bangladesh to extend agreement to protect garment workers

Poor working conditions and low wages have long been a concern in Bangladesh’s garment industry, to protect garment workers Bangladesh…

7 years ago

Improving workforce skill becomes top priority ahead of automation for VN

Globalisation and technology revolution are posing increasingly greater challenges for Vietnam’s economy, as the country’s labour force will grow from…

8 years ago

US bill impinges on Bangladesh RMG sector

The Ready Made Garments (RMG) sector,the biggest earner of foreign currency for Bangladesh after the agricultural sector, may face an…

9 years ago

Vietnam to get great chance to boost exports and join global supply chain

At a workshop held in Ho Chi Minh City last week. Dr Nguyen Tien Dung, principal of the Law-Economics University,…

9 years ago

Indian textile and garment firms may shift base to Vietnam

The Indian textile and garment companies facing duty disadvantage at home, some have already prompted to expand outside India in…

9 years ago

Pakistan working towards strengthening its textile and garment industry

Pakistan understanding the importance of garment and textile industry to its economic growth, and the employment it create for its…

10 years ago

Uzbekistan total textile exports volume has touched $1 billion this year

Uzbekistan the world's fifth largest cotton exporter reports having exported $1 billion worth of textile products this year. The announcement…

10 years ago

Dutch-German agreed to work together for improving condition of textile industry across Asia

Efforts being made to improve textile industry as textile workers across South Asia are badly paid. According to recent media…

11 years ago

Germany provides financial assistance for Lao garment workers

The German government has provided emergency financial assistance to more than 20,000 garment workers in Laos who have been afflicted…

3 years ago