The Pakistan government has so far revised down its crop estimate almost by 30 percent this year from an initial…
Some needy spinners were seen buying at cotton market due to falling cotton prices on Tuesday to replenish their stocks.…
Telangana state focusing more on the textile sector and encouraging apparel units to develop the state as a hub of…
Demand from China may not see a rebound as normally it buys more than 50 per cent of India’s shipments.…
Zimbabwean cotton production 'white gold' at its peak period produced 353 000 metric tonnes in 2000-2001 was the major source…
Pakistan cotton market witnessed slow move in trading activity on Monday as some spinning mills remained away from making new…
The Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) in order to improve production of the cash crop to feed the…
Cotton or white gold once a very productive industry in Azerbaijan is now suffering slow down. Over the past 18…
Cotton prices remained lower on Wednesday as ginners fearing further decline in lint prices having long position rushed to unload…
The cotton ginning industry facing loss of about Rs 8 crore a day on trading roughly around 80,000 bales every…