You searched for: ILO

China forced to launch new cotton subsidy policy

China is forced to launch a new cotton subsidy policy this year, to subsidize low-income groups and farmers through price…

11 years ago

Decline in cotton rates see improvement in trading turnover in Pakistan

Cotton market pulled yarn manufacturers attention with the decline in cotton rates to make some buying, helping improve the situation…

11 years ago

Dominican Republic textile industry picking up again

The textile sector is highly important for the Dominican Republic, being one of the economic milestones of the country in…

11 years ago

Pakistan farmer preference to grow cash crop lowers cotton production by 13pc

Poor water management, pest attacks, rainfall and weather conditions played their due parts in lower production of cotton as farmers…

11 years ago

Wool market picking up

The Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics (ABARES) has projected mix outlook for wool. ABARES foresees the EMI to…

11 years ago

KCA revises its cotton spot rate failing to generate substantial trade

The Cotton markets having failed to generate significant trade turnover in recent days, the Karachi Cotton Association (KCA) decided to…

11 years ago

Ginners likely to reduce cotton rate in days to come

Low participation of spinning mill-owners in cotton trading continues waiting for a decline in cotton price had kept the cotton…

11 years ago

Karachi cotton trading witnessing slow move

Majority of spinning mill-owners stayed out of the cotton markets looking ahead for revival in sales of cotton yarn, due…

11 years ago

Gul Ahmed summer collection to present a mix of digital silk prints

As summer the new season sets in, Gul Ahmed prepares to launch a new line of prints on the runway…

11 years ago

Flux in currency created uncertainty in wool market

The flux performance in US exchange rate last week against the Australian dollar impacted the market and resulted in significant…

11 years ago