You searched for: ILO

Pakistan cotton trading surged at six-week high after rains on Tuesday

Concerns over supply cotton trading surged at six week high of 23,600 bales after rains in Punjab on Tuesday. If…

10 years ago

Textile sector offers a competitive edge for India

A unique opportunity waits for India as Sunaina Tomar, Textiles Joint Secretary,at a CII conference on textiles announces for the…

10 years ago

Textile Ministry mulling over streamlining TUFS under new textile policy

Technology Upgradation Fund Scheme (TUFS) which was introduced in 1999 to catalyze investments in all the sub sectors of textiles…

10 years ago

Industrialists clamor for speeding up process to set up Apparel Park in Agra

Textile Minister, Santosh Gangwar during his Agra visit recently had announced that an apparel manufacturing park spread over 15 acre…

10 years ago

Weavers expect yarn prices to fall as crude oil prices plummet

The powerloom weavers of Surat, he country's biggest man-made fabric (MMF) sector are buoyant following a dip in crude oil…

10 years ago

Lower cotton prices have bailed out Pakistani spinning industry

Lower cotton prices have bailed out the spinning industry to some extent and some closed units likely to resume production.…

10 years ago

Ministry of Textiles calls for high level meeting of all state government to discuss new and existing textile schemes

A high-level meeting of all state governments will be held with textile minister to discuss new schemes and modification in…

10 years ago

Gerhard Topp to acquire Ploucquet Group’s textile unit in Brasov

Ploucquet Group, German company specialized in manufacturing pant components to sell out its unit in Brasov to a textile accessory…

10 years ago

Changes proposed in Indian labour law immensely for textile sector

To achieve textile growth targets skilled manpower of 35 million will be required by 2024-25. Also, initially training needs to…

10 years ago

E-Commerce fever catching up among leading textile companies in India

E-commerce fever is catching up as leading textile companies from India has started eyeing this medium as an opportunity to…

10 years ago