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Viscose yarn prices steady in Asian markets

YarnsandFibers News Bureau, 01-02-2016 16:07 -

In China, mainstream prices of 40s compact siro-spun yarn in Jiangsu slid to 19.65 Yuan a kg (US$3.00 a kg) while 30s spun viscose in Xiaoshan rolled over at 17.10 Yuan a kg (US$2.61 a kg) in the third week of January.

Offers and selling ideas were reportedly steady for spun viscose yarn in China that week. They were adjusted up somewhat, indicating another way of closing offers as VSF prices stopped falling.

In India, 30s viscose spun yarn prices inched up INR1 a kg (down US cents 2 due to weak INR) in Indore market.

Viscose yarn prices were also adjusted in India given the eventual slid in the currency against the US$. Still pricing in US$ term were down. Export of viscose yarn was positive in December as India exported 2.50 million kgs at an average price realization of US$3.04 a kg.

In Pakistan, viscose yarn prices rolled over on firm VSF prices and export demand.

Courtesy: Weekly PriceWatch Report

Related Keywords: rayon prices, spun yarn prices, Viscose price, viscose price in china, viscose price in india, viscose price in Pakistan, viscose staple fibre price

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In China, mainstream prices of 40s compact siro-spun yarn in Jiangsu slid to 19.65 Yuan a kg (US$3.00 a kg) while 30s spun viscose in Xiaoshan rolled over at 17.10 Yuan a kg (US$2.61 a kg) in the third week of January.

Offers and selling ideas were reportedly steady for spun viscose yarn in China that week. They were adjusted up somewhat, indicating another way of closing offers as VSF prices stopped falling.

In India, 30s viscose spun yarn prices inched up INR1 a kg (down US cents 2 due to weak INR) in Indore market.

Viscose yarn prices were also adjusted in India given the eventual slid in the currency against the US$. Still pricing in US$ term were down. Export of viscose yarn was positive in December as India exported 2.50 million kgs at an average price realization of US$3.04 a kg.

In Pakistan, viscose yarn prices rolled over on firm VSF prices and export demand.

Courtesy: Weekly PriceWatch Report

Related Keywords: rayon prices, spun yarn prices, Viscose price, viscose price in china, viscose price in india, viscose price in Pakistan, viscose staple fibre price

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