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Viscose yarn price moves down amid falling VSF prices

YarnsandFibers News Bureau, 14-11-2016 14:31 -

In China, 30s spun viscose prices fell US cents 5 a kg in the first week of November while 40s compact sirospun yarn prices in Jiangsu were down US cent 1 a kg.

Viscose spun yarn markets were feeble that week and market discussions for ring‐spun and siro‐spun yarn mostly moved down. The weakness was percolated by falling VSF prices, but the downside eased somewhat, as monthly settlement was widely applied. Spinning mills still talked down prices when buying, but generally considered monthly settlement policy first.

In Pakistan, business activities in viscose yarn markets reduced considerably, pushing yarn prices down in line with the fall in VSF prices. 35s viscose yarn prices fell PakRs5 per pound (down US cents 14) while 40s declined PakRs6 a pound (down US cents 17) in Karachi market.

In India, viscose yarn prices rolled over on firmer VSF numbers while activities were sporadic in Indore markets.

Courtesy: Weekly PriceWatch Report

Related Keywords: rayon prices, spun yarn prices, Viscose price, viscose price in china, viscose price in india, viscose price in Pakistan, viscose staple fibre price

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In China, 30s spun viscose prices fell US cents 5 a kg in the first week of November while 40s compact sirospun yarn prices in Jiangsu were down US cent 1 a kg.

Viscose spun yarn markets were feeble that week and market discussions for ring‐spun and siro‐spun yarn mostly moved down. The weakness was percolated by falling VSF prices, but the downside eased somewhat, as monthly settlement was widely applied. Spinning mills still talked down prices when buying, but generally considered monthly settlement policy first.

In Pakistan, business activities in viscose yarn markets reduced considerably, pushing yarn prices down in line with the fall in VSF prices. 35s viscose yarn prices fell PakRs5 per pound (down US cents 14) while 40s declined PakRs6 a pound (down US cents 17) in Karachi market.

In India, viscose yarn prices rolled over on firmer VSF numbers while activities were sporadic in Indore markets.

Courtesy: Weekly PriceWatch Report

Related Keywords: rayon prices, spun yarn prices, Viscose price, viscose price in china, viscose price in india, viscose price in Pakistan, viscose staple fibre price

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