In Xiaoshan, 30s spun viscose prices in Xiaoshan rose US cents 2 a kg in the first week of September while 40s compact sirospun yarn prices in Jiangsu inched up US cent 1 a kg on the week. Spun viscose yarn prices rose stably during the week in China. In Fujian, offers for siro‐spun 40s yarn prices rose with firm deals and discussions higher than last week. Discussions for ring‐spun 30s yarn also firmed up. The markets were also supported by the elevated VSF prices that week.
In Pakistan, viscose yarn prices however surged in the week, in line with fresh rise in import offers for VSF to US$2.02 a kg. 35s viscose yarn prices inched up US cents 3 a kg while 40s also rose US cents 3 a kg in Karachi market.
In India, with steady VSF for long time now, viscose yarn prices were hard to move also amid weak demand. 30s viscose spun yarn prices were up US cents 3 a kg (due to weak US$) in Indore market.
Courtesy: Weekly PriceWatch Report