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Viscose yarn price inches up amid fair liquidity

YarnsandFibers News Bureau, 29-08-2016 09:51 -

In Jiangsu, 30s spun viscose prices in Xiaoshan climbed US cent 1 a kg in the third week of August while 40s compact sirospun yarn prices inched up US cents 2 a kg.

Spun viscose yarn markets were generally soft in China and prices inched up amid fair liquidity. Mainstream discussions for siro‐spun 40s yarn were up with modest liquidity. Offers for ring‐spun yarn 30s also inched up reflecting the marching of VSF prices. However, mills generally met with strong resistance, and thus mostly pushed sales with flat offers.

In India, viscose yarn prices remained unchanged in Indore market as exports showed strong growth in June, both in terms of shipment and price realization.

In Pakistan, viscose yarn prices generally rolled over, reflecting modest market conditions.

Courtesy: Weekly PriceWatch Report

Related Keywords: rayon prices, spun yarn prices, Viscose price, viscose price in china, viscose price in india, viscose price in Pakistan, viscose staple fibre price

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In Jiangsu, 30s spun viscose prices in Xiaoshan climbed US cent 1 a kg in the third week of August while 40s compact sirospun yarn prices inched up US cents 2 a kg.

Spun viscose yarn markets were generally soft in China and prices inched up amid fair liquidity. Mainstream discussions for siro‐spun 40s yarn were up with modest liquidity. Offers for ring‐spun yarn 30s also inched up reflecting the marching of VSF prices. However, mills generally met with strong resistance, and thus mostly pushed sales with flat offers.

In India, viscose yarn prices remained unchanged in Indore market as exports showed strong growth in June, both in terms of shipment and price realization.

In Pakistan, viscose yarn prices generally rolled over, reflecting modest market conditions.

Courtesy: Weekly PriceWatch Report

Related Keywords: rayon prices, spun yarn prices, Viscose price, viscose price in china, viscose price in india, viscose price in Pakistan, viscose staple fibre price

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