In China, prices of 40s compact sirospun yarn in Jiangsu fell US cents 2 a kg in the second week of April while 30s spun viscose in Xiaoshan rolled over. Offers for ring-spun 30s yarn also fell US cents 3 a kg.
Viscose spun yarn prices were stable to weak in China, as prices at some mills were negotiable due to rising inventory. The fall largely followed the moderation in VSF prices hit week after 13 consecutive weeks of rise.
Discussions for Xiaoshan origin ring spun yarn were down while Fujian origin sirospun 40s yarn was offered at previous week’s level.
In India, 30s viscose spun yarn prices were raised by another INR1 a kg (up US cent 1) in Indore market. Prices in India were seen rising in line with the hike in VSF prices a couple of weeks ago. However, demand was hard to pick-up and it will be difficult for spinners to maintain offers in coming weeks.
In Pakistan, spinners were unable to pass on the recent hike in VSF prices and had to roll over viscose yarn prices that week. 35s viscose yarn price rolled over on the week while 40s were stable in Karachi market.
Courtesy: Weekly PriceWatch Report