In China, prices of 40s compact sirospun yarn in Jiangsu rolled over in the last week of April while 30s spun viscose in Xiaoshan fell US cents 2 a kg. Offers for ring-spun 30s yarn declined US cents 4 a kg on the week.
Viscose yarn prices sustained the weakness of recent weeks as upstream VSF prices were under correction. Thus, spun yarn prices were dismal amid thin trading.
Offers in China declined, despite textile industry was slowly recovering in the past months due to continuous fall of cotton prices from high levels.
In India, viscose yarn prices mostly rolled over taking support from cotton and polyester yarn markets. Export demand was modest for viscose yarn, but domestic market was still weak. 30s viscose spun yarn prices were down US cent 1 a kg (due to weak INR) in Indore market.
In Pakistan, viscose yarn prices were stable given the firmness in VSF markets. 35s viscose yarn price remained unchanged during the week and 40s were stable in Karachi market.
Courtesy: Weekly PriceWatch Report