In Shengze, offers for 32s and 45s polyester yarn were flat in the first week of October. In Qiangqing, offers for 32s weaving rose US cents 3 a kg on the week.
Spun polyester yarn prices remained stable in China with moderate sales and modest transactions. However, offers for PSF were seen US cents 2-3 a kg that week, which can impact yarn prices later next week.
Demand for high-quality unbleached white virgin and pure black 32S yarns was seen picking up.
In India, polyester yarn 30 knit yarn prices fell INR2 a kg (down US cents 2) in Indore while it was flat in Ludhiana market. With polyester still higher in India compared to the domestic prices in China, the price difference is reportedly affecting spun polyester market in India. Thus, yarn prices generally rolled over.
In Pakistan, polyester yarn prices remained flat as PSF prices remained unchanged in the week due to the stability in import price of PTA and MEG.
Courtesy: Weekly PriceWatch Report