In China, offers for 32s polyester yarn in Shengze were down US cent 3 a kg in the first week of May. In Zhejiang, 32s weaving yarn dropped US cents 2 a kg on the week.
Polyester spun yarn market in China extended the weak trend and producers in Shengze lowered offers, with goods mainly sold to meet rigid demand. Offers of some specs in Shandong and Zhejiang were also adjusted down.
In India, polyester yarn prices edged down on the week, reflecting the downward revision of PSF offers in early April and weak demand for yarn both in domestic and export markets. Polyester yarn 30 knit yarn prices were down INR1 a kg (down US cent 1) in Ludhiana market.
In Pakistan, polyester yarn prices generally rolled over on support of stable cost of PSF for four consecutive weeks, although demand for the fiber has been very weak from the yarn spinners.
Courtesy: Weekly PriceWatch Report