In Qianqing, offers for 32s polyester yarn prices remained unchanged in the first week of February and those for 45s were stable in Shengze.
Polyester spun yarn prices were stable amid thin transaction in China. Many spun polyester yarn plants remained closed for Lunar New Year holidays and enquiring atmosphere was mild amid hindered logistics.
In India, polyester yarn producers could however found difficulty in maintaining prices at current levels, as a result of a sharp fall yarn exports to China.
Polyester yarn 30 knitting yarns prices rolled over in Ludhiana and Indore market during the week.
In Pakistan, PSF prices dropped during the week due to the fall of the crude oil market in January. However, prices rolled over after previous week’s downward correction. 30s spun polyester prices remained flat after inching up last week.
Courtesy: Weekly PriceWatch Report