In Shengze, offers for 32s polyester yarn were flat in the fourth week of November and 45s were up on the week. In Qiangqing, offers for 32s weaving were stable during the week. In US$ term, they were down US cents 1-2 on the week, due to weak Yuan.
Spun polyester yarn prices were stable in China though there were limited enquiries and sales. Producers held large inventories and faced low demand. Moreover, the environmental protection issue in Hebei had certain influence on texturing, printing and dyeing plants, which was unfavorable for downward buying of spun yarns.
In Pakistan, polyester yarn prices rolled over since PSF prices remained firm in the week, supported by rebound in crude oil prices.
In India, polyester yarn prices remained unchanged on stable PSF numbers. However, sharp increase in US$ and consecutive fall in INR pegged yarn prices lower. PSF exports remained firmed in October with USA buying more this time. Polyester yarn 30 knit yarn prices fell INR1 a kg (down US cents 2) in Indore while they were flat in Ludhiana market.
Courtesy: Weekly PriceWatch Report