In Shengze, offers for 32s polyester yarn were offered stable in the second week of January. In Qiangqing, 32s weaving yarn was offered flat on the week.
Spun polyester yarn prices were stable in China inspite of poor enquiry and transaction. More producers shut down units with the holiday drawing near, and they lowered selling interest and demand lacked good news from downstream polyester market.
In Pakistan, polyester spun prices have sharply increased, with 30s yarns jumping almost 9% in last four weeks due to rapidly surging PSF cost in the previous six weeks, although they stayed unchanged this week. 30s polyester yarn prices further gained PakRe1 per pound or US cents 3 a kg in the second week of January.
In India, polyester yarn prices inched up on the week as spinners reported fall in production and also jump in inventory at the same time. Trading was disturbed by the demonetization process.
Courtesy: Weekly PriceWatch Report