In Shengze, offers for 32s polyester yarn were unchanged in the first week of November and 45s were stable on the week. In Qiangqing, offers for 32s weaving fell during the week, however, the fall was neutralised by strong Yuan.
Spun polyester yarn prices were stable in China as sales slowed down. Reportedly, some fabric makers still held payments. There was limited demand for materials, and only some sporadic small orders for rigid demand were seen. Overall, polyester market was falling. Offers in Shengze were stable amid flat enquiring and selling activities.
In India, Indore market reported marginal increase in polyester yarn prices while they were flat in Ludhiana, reflecting inter-market demand-supply balance. Polyester yarn 30 knit yarn prices inched up INR1 a kg (up US cents 2) in Indore while they remained flat in Ludhiana market.
In Pakistan, PSF prices were stable, as import prices stabilized. However, polyester yarn prices weakened as exports demand was reportedly depressed. 30s spun polyester prices fell PakRs3 per pound (US cents 9 a kg) while 60s fell PakRs5 per pound (down US cents 14 a kg).
Courtesy: Weekly PriceWatch Report