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Polyester yarn price inches up in Asian markets

YarnsandFibers News Bureau, 13-05-2016 11:01 -

In Shengze, offers for 32s and 45s polyester yarn rose US cents 4 a kg in the last week of April. In Qiangqing, offers for 32s were up US cents 2-4 a kg on the week.

Spun polyester yarns offer in Shengze were stable to up on the back of mild enquiry and selling atmosphere.

In Qiangqing, offers were raised somewhat in spite of sporadic deals that week. After two weeks of replenishment, yarn producers were more cautious in buying PSF and slightly added inventories when prices surged.

In India, polyester yarn prices rose slowly in Ludhiana market while they were unchanged in Indore market. Polyester yarn 30 knit yarn prices inched up INR1 a kg (up US cent 1) in Ludhiana market while they rolled over in Indore.

In Pakistan, polyester yarn prices further rose on good demand from domestic and supported by the rise in PSF prices. 30s spun polyester prices remained unchanged while 60s jumped US cents 21 a kg on the week.

Courtesy: Weekly PriceWatch Report

Related Keywords: Polyester prices, polyester yarn prices, psf prices, spun yarn prices, yarn prices in china, yarn prices in India, yarn prices in Pakistan

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In Shengze, offers for 32s and 45s polyester yarn rose US cents 4 a kg in the last week of April. In Qiangqing, offers for 32s were up US cents 2-4 a kg on the week.

Spun polyester yarns offer in Shengze were stable to up on the back of mild enquiry and selling atmosphere.

In Qiangqing, offers were raised somewhat in spite of sporadic deals that week. After two weeks of replenishment, yarn producers were more cautious in buying PSF and slightly added inventories when prices surged.

In India, polyester yarn prices rose slowly in Ludhiana market while they were unchanged in Indore market. Polyester yarn 30 knit yarn prices inched up INR1 a kg (up US cent 1) in Ludhiana market while they rolled over in Indore.

In Pakistan, polyester yarn prices further rose on good demand from domestic and supported by the rise in PSF prices. 30s spun polyester prices remained unchanged while 60s jumped US cents 21 a kg on the week.

Courtesy: Weekly PriceWatch Report

Related Keywords: Polyester prices, polyester yarn prices, psf prices, spun yarn prices, yarn prices in china, yarn prices in India, yarn prices in Pakistan

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