In Shengze, offers for 32s polyester yarn fell US cents 5 a kg in the fourth week of March. In Qiangqing, 32s weaving yarn offers fell US cents 2 a kg on the week.
Spun polyester yarn markets in China were steady but offers declined with some sporadic numbers weakening somewhat. In Qiangqing, polyester yarn offers moved down as well amid quiet transaction in line with PSF price fall in recent weeks. Sentiment also weakened continuously due to fading sales in downstream.
In India, spun polyester yarn prices are already dropping in line with a decline in PSF prices. Polyester yarn 30 knit yarn prices declined INR2 a kg in Ludhiana market.
In Pakistan, although PSF prices have continued sliding, polyester yarn prices are yet to react to the drop. Margins have regained at spinning units, as raw material costs have further declined.
Courtesy: Weekly PriceWatch Report