In Shengze, offers for 32s polyester yarn were stable in the first week of February. In Qiangqing, 32s weaving yarn was offered flat on the week. Offers for spun polyester yarn in Changyi were up as most producers remained down.
In India, the increase in PSF prices were reflected in polyester spun yarn pricing that week. Polyester yarn 30 knit yarn prices inched up INR1 a kg (up US cent 1) in Ludhiana market.
In Pakistan, PSF prices rolled over, irrespective of change in raw material prices on the international market. Thus, the cost support to polyester yarn remained firm, but is expected to rise in the coming weeks. In addition, an expected fiber substitution at textile mills after the fresh increase of cotton prices will support polyester yarn markets.
Polyester spun yarn prices were firm in China and India while they remained stable in Pakistan.
Courtesy: Weekly PriceWatch Report