In Shengze of Jiangsu, offers for 32s polyester yarn prices were down US cents 2 a kg due to weak Yuan, and those for 45s were down US cent 1 a kg in the first week of January.
Spun polyester yarn market saw offers remain stable and limited deals concluded. Mainstream offers in China for spun polyester yarn 32s and 45s rolled over but were moderate in US$ due to weak Yuan.
Upstream PSF prices were stable early in the week and then weakened slightly reflecting changes on stock market and the overall polyester market.
In India, polyester yarn prices declined in line with the drop in PSF prices in early December.
Polyester yarn 30 knitting yarns prices fell INR1 (down US cents 3 a kg) in Ludhiana market while they rolled over in Indore market.
In Pakistan, stable PSF prices supported polyester spun yarn markets, as prices remained unchanged on the week.
30s spun polyester prices were unchanged on the week.
Courtesy: Weekly PriceWatch Report