In Shengze, offers for 32s and 45s polyester yarn rolled over in the second week of June. In Qiangqing, 32s weaving were steady during the week.
Offers for spun polyester yarns in Shengze market were stable amid limited transaction volume. PSF market was mainly covered by wait-and-see atmosphere today, and is expected to have difficulty to see significant price drop or increase in a short term.
In India, polyester yarn prices moderated slightly as they had remained in line with fiber prices for past weeks, reflecting weakening demand. Polyester yarn 30 knit yarn prices fell INR1 a kg in Ludhiana market while they rolled over in Indore.
In Pakistan, polyester yarn prices moved lower as demand was at a low level. PSF prices too declined on the week due to a lack of demand from the yarn makers. 30s spun polyester prices fell PakRe1 per pound (down US cent 1 a kg) while 60s was down PakRs3 per pound (down US cents 5 a kg).
Courtesy: Weekly PriceWatch Report