In Qianqing, offers for 32s polyester yarn prices inched up US cents 2 a kg in the second week of January on the upper end, and those for 45s rolled over on the week.
Spun polyester yarn markets in China were weakly stable, and some sporadic deals were concluded. 32s spun polyester yarn was mainly offered at a roll over in Qianqing. Offers of spun polyester yarns in Shengze were kept steady amid mute trading atmosphere that week.
Some producers shut down units as they held low enthusiasm, and they showed low interest to buy raw materials except some rigid demand.
In India, polyester yarn 30 knitting yarns prices edged down US cent 1 a kg (due to weak INR), in both Ludhiana and Indore market.
Offers for polyester yarn held flat amid passable sales in India, while selling ideas were reported steady.
In Pakistan, polyester yarn markets were calm amid thin liquidity. 30s spun polyester prices remained unchanged during the week.
Courtesy: Weekly PriceWatch Report