Asian paraxylene markers rose US$16.50 a ton FOB Korea and CFR Taiwan/China in the first week of November.
Paraxylene prices in Asian markets were up on the week but down on weekend amid firm demand and PTA futures in China.
Isomer mixed xylene prices dropped on the week.
In Europe, paraxylene spot was up US$5 a ton on the week tracking Asia.
Mixed xylene premium over gasoline rose for both November and December in Europe while paraxylene spot was down tracking Asia.
November contract price, which have started, is expected to settle in a range from Euro725-760 a ton while orthoxylene contract price was settled at Euro670 a ton.
Meanwhile, contract price negotiations for November have started and are expected to settle in coming week.
In US, paraxylene spot slipped on the week following talks of weak demand and declining prices in Asian market.
Spot paraxylene fell US$10 a ton FOB USG while October contract price settled down US cent 1 per pound.
Courtesy: Weekly PriceWatch Report