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Caprolactum prices rise amid adequate supply

YarnsandFibers News Bureau, 26-12-2017 11:45 -

The SE and FE Asian caprolactum markers on the lower end were up US$20 a ton in the second week of December. In China, spot liquid good offers rose US$20 a ton as compared to last week while solid goods were up US$5 a ton on the week.

Caprolactum prices in Asia rose on support from benzene market amid balanced supply during the week. In China, CPL offers were up that week as demand was decent given firmer feedstock prices. Overall, caprolactum market is likely to firm up in coming weeks on support from benzene market, however demand is expected to decrease.

China imported 21,000 tons of CPL in October 2017, and the cumulative import volume from January to October was at 204,000 tons.

Courtesy: Weekly PriceWatch Report

Related Keywords: benzene prices, caprolactum price, caprolactum price in China, Nylon prices

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The SE and FE Asian caprolactum markers on the lower end were up US$20 a ton in the second week of December. In China, spot liquid good offers rose US$20 a ton as compared to last week while solid goods were up US$5 a ton on the week.

Caprolactum prices in Asia rose on support from benzene market amid balanced supply during the week. In China, CPL offers were up that week as demand was decent given firmer feedstock prices. Overall, caprolactum market is likely to firm up in coming weeks on support from benzene market, however demand is expected to decrease.

China imported 21,000 tons of CPL in October 2017, and the cumulative import volume from January to October was at 204,000 tons.

Courtesy: Weekly PriceWatch Report

Related Keywords: benzene prices, caprolactum price, caprolactum price in China, Nylon prices

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