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Caprolactum price rises on short supply and cost support

YarnsandFibers News Bureau, 26-07-2016 10:59 -

Asian markers, the SE and FE were up US$20 a ton in the second week of July. In China, offers for liquid spot were up US$15 a ton while solid goods offers were up US$15 a ton.

Caprolactum prices firmed up further in Asian markets on cost support and supply shortfall due to production cuts. Mainstream discussions for liquid and solid goods in China were up again that week while mainstream values for East European goods gained further amid slow liquidity and tepid demand.

Fibrant raised its July nomination from 16 July which was up US$60 a ton from last nomination for liquid goods. Fibrant raised its July nomination seeing spot prices jumping in the past two weeks. Spot caprolactam prices are likely to be stable-to-firm for the rest of July, amid limited spot availability and firm costs of feedstock benzene.

Courtesy: Weekly PriceWatch Report

Related Keywords: benzene prices, caprolactum price, caprolactum price in China, Nylon prices

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Asian markers, the SE and FE were up US$20 a ton in the second week of July. In China, offers for liquid spot were up US$15 a ton while solid goods offers were up US$15 a ton.

Caprolactum prices firmed up further in Asian markets on cost support and supply shortfall due to production cuts. Mainstream discussions for liquid and solid goods in China were up again that week while mainstream values for East European goods gained further amid slow liquidity and tepid demand.

Fibrant raised its July nomination from 16 July which was up US$60 a ton from last nomination for liquid goods. Fibrant raised its July nomination seeing spot prices jumping in the past two weeks. Spot caprolactam prices are likely to be stable-to-firm for the rest of July, amid limited spot availability and firm costs of feedstock benzene.

Courtesy: Weekly PriceWatch Report

Related Keywords: benzene prices, caprolactum price, caprolactum price in China, Nylon prices

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