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Caprolactum price falls in China amid cautious buying

YarnsandFibers News Bureau, 03-11-2015 17:30 -

In China, liquid good offers were at 11,500-11,600 Yuan a ton (US$1,810-1,825 a ton) while solid goods inched down to 11,400-11,800 Yuan a ton (US$1,790-1,855 a ton, down US$20).

Sinopec pegged its contract settlement for October at 11,300 Yuan a ton (US$1,775 a ton) for liquid goods while DSM Nanjing nominated for October to 11,900 Yuan a ton (US$1,870 a ton) for solid goods.

Asian markers, the SE and FE were up US$20 a ton in the fourth week of October while trading values for East European goods were at US$1,330-1,380 a ton.

Asian caprolactam spot markets activity and negotiations were mute amid a lack of trading interest as sellers and buyers were mostly taking a wait-and-see approach due to uncertain macroeconomics.

In China, prices dipped amid slightly mounting inventory and slightly declining run rates of downstream chip producers.

In Europe, October caprolactam markets were divided between rollovers and small decreases with some buyers already agreeing to a reduction.

Thus, October contract was set a reduction versus September result of a compromise on raw material costs.

Courtesy: Weekly PriceWatch Report

Related Keywords: benzene prices, caprolactum price, caprolactum price in China, Nylon prices

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In China, liquid good offers were at 11,500-11,600 Yuan a ton (US$1,810-1,825 a ton) while solid goods inched down to 11,400-11,800 Yuan a ton (US$1,790-1,855 a ton, down US$20).

Sinopec pegged its contract settlement for October at 11,300 Yuan a ton (US$1,775 a ton) for liquid goods while DSM Nanjing nominated for October to 11,900 Yuan a ton (US$1,870 a ton) for solid goods.

Asian markers, the SE and FE were up US$20 a ton in the fourth week of October while trading values for East European goods were at US$1,330-1,380 a ton.

Asian caprolactam spot markets activity and negotiations were mute amid a lack of trading interest as sellers and buyers were mostly taking a wait-and-see approach due to uncertain macroeconomics.

In China, prices dipped amid slightly mounting inventory and slightly declining run rates of downstream chip producers.

In Europe, October caprolactam markets were divided between rollovers and small decreases with some buyers already agreeing to a reduction.

Thus, October contract was set a reduction versus September result of a compromise on raw material costs.

Courtesy: Weekly PriceWatch Report

Related Keywords: benzene prices, caprolactum price, caprolactum price in China, Nylon prices

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