In China, medium-length staple fiber and cotton-type staple prices were steady in Yuan terms but were down US cent 1 a kg, due to weak currency. Offers for Taiwan origin 3D bright ASF tow inched up US cents 3 a kg at the lower end in the third week of October, while regular specs were unchanged on the week.
Acrylic staple fibre prices were largely stable during the week, with offers for cotton‐type staple fiber and medium‐length staple fiber pegged at previous week’s levels. In China, fibre makers maintained healthy inventory as trading sentiment picked up. Downstream spinners’ performance was stable, and buying interest for ASF picked up slightly.
ASF prices in India rolled over, while those in Pakistan moderated on weak demand. In Pakistan, 1.2D ASF prices fell PakRs2 a kg (down US cents 2) during the week. Cost support was still firm as acrylonitrile prices were flat for almost four weeks now, after the dramatic spurt end-September.
Courtesy: Weekly PriceWatch Report