West Bengal Chief Minister, Mamata Banerjee at the inauguration of the third edition of Asansol Industry and Trade Fair on Thursday, spoke about the steps taken to increase small scale, textile and cottage industries and their plans to set up MSME facilitation centres in Durgapur and Burdwan.
MSME facilitation centres offer application facilitation services and supports entrepreneurs through various processes. This will create tremendous employment opportunity for the local youth.
A core committee comprising of representatives from industry, business and government will be formed in Asansol to support trade and commerce in the area.
In addition, a Unique Clearance Centre will be set up in Burdwan to facilitate speedy conversion of land for industrial purposes.
Emphasizing the government’s commitment to the MSME sector, she pointed out that the state currently has 152 MSME clusters.
Asansol Industry and Trade Fair has provided a unique platform to enhance marketing capabilities and competitiveness, showcase brands and competencies, interact with potential buyers and promote brands and products to tentative buyers.
There are about 300 stalls from sectors such as garment, machinery, automobiles, machinery, consumer durables, furniture, real estate, solar power, electrical and electronics, kitchen appliance, hospitality, education healthcare representing at the fair.
The Asansol Industry and Trade Fair Organized by the Asansol Chamber of Commerce, the event will continue until February-6.
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