
Vicunha Services to reduce water usage in denim industry

YarnsandFibers News Bureau 2024-07-10 13:15:49 – Brazil

Vicunha Services, a subsidiary of the Vicunha Group, has launched the VSA project to address the issues of high water consumption and support UN SDG-6, which focuses on clean water and sanitation. The project aims to reduce the company’s dependence on external water sources by up to 90%, thus preserving water sources and rivers

Located in Ceará, Brazil, the VSA project comprises two advanced water treatment systems, Reuse Water Production Plant and Industrial Effluent Treatment Plant. The former uses dual filtration technology to purify domestic sewage from the municipality of Horizonte, while the latter treats industrial wastewater using biological and physicochemical processes.

The $12 million project was developed in collaboration with Cagece, the state water and sewage company of Ceará. This partnership was crucial for securing financing, resources, and technical expertise, ensuring the project's efficiency and reducing implementation time.

In 2024, Vicunha continues to prioritize sustainable growth. Marcos De Marchi, CEO of Vicunha, emphasized the company's commitment to partnerships and collaborations that enhance sustainability practices and reduce the textile industry's environmental impact. Vicunha aims to lead the shift towards a more sustainable future in the textile industry.

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