
Uster launches technology for sustainable spinning mills

YarnsandFibers News Bureau 2024-05-24 17:24:40 – Switzerland

Uster has introduced FiberQ and RSO 3D systems which provide a unique and sustainable spinning mill operations. These technologies can be utilised for returns on investment (ROI) by optimizing the most costly stages of the spinning process, reducing waste, and increasing profits.

Field tests indicate that comprehensive raw material management with these systems can save between 0.5% to 2% of waste. This translates to significant cost savings for yarn production, making these systems invaluable for maximizing profitability. Detailed information and demonstrations will be available at ITM 2024, Booth 714B in Hall 7, where Uster experts will be present.

Uster FiberQ facilitates a complete solution for raw material utilization, enhancing daily processes, quality consistency, and profitability. The software analyzes fiber data to create optimal laydowns, ensuring quality and performance. It integrates with Uster HVI1000 for fiber classification and is available via a subscription model.

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