Tamil Nadu, accounting for nearly 30 per cent of the country’s handloom textiles production and 50 per cent of exports, has over six lakh handloom units and 1,400 cooperative societies. As part of Integrated Skill Development Programme, Tamil Nadu minister for Handloom Gokula Indira has announced that around 1600 persons in the state would be given training in weaving and skill development.
The first phase training programme to 40 weavers at the Intensive Handloom Project centre has been inaugurated.
Training in automatic weaving machine and designing would be provided to them. Each person would be given 50 days training and skill development with stipend.
Also, funds of total seven crore would be cleared as first phase of rebate arrears to various handloom weavers co-operative societies as of now, while, the next arrears would be cleared in July.
Handloom industry in Tamil Nadu plays an important role in improving economic conditions of the rural poor by either direct or indirect employed to people in the Handloom Sector as weavers and allied workers. It becomes extremely important that the people gain training in this sector.
Handloom weaving with products ranging from duster cloth to silk saris, is a common occupation throughout the State.
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