The Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board (TNPCB), on after the recently petition submitted by the villagers of nearby Ellapalayam stating one textile dyeing unit was discharging huge quantity of untreated effluents into fertile lands, causing them problems. The Board had examined it and ordered closure of the factory. On further examining also identified two hundred and thirty six textile dyeing and processing factories in Erode district of the state were functioning violating pollution control board norms, the units are sealed, licenses have been cancelled and power connections cut off, according to environment minister Thoppu N. Venkatachalam. The Board had a few months back issued show cause notices to 95 textile dyeing units in and around Erode for non compliance of norms. Only 20 of the 46 leather tanning factories in Erode are now functioning while the others closed on their own for not fulfilling the Board’s norms.
Harsh Vardhan Jalan has collaborated with Liva Fabrics to launch a couture collection named 'Prana', which embodies sustainability and artistic…
The Aid by Trade Foundation (AbTF) has launched a new transparency standard to improve the tracking of sustainable cotton throughout…
RapidMade, a company specializing in 3D printing, thermoforming, and engineering services, has launched Aerolite in partnership with West Lake Plastics.
LOOMIA and AFFOA have introduced the Gentoo Heater—a cutting-edge flexible heating solution designed for ultra-cold environments as low as -60°C.
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Hologenix has announced its second collaboration with Sunlighten, a leading provider of infrared saunas and portable light therapies.