The Tamil Nadu state has nearly 2.69 lakh weavers, the government keen on welfare of weavers has planned to provide machineries to improve the proficiency of weavers and raise the quality of their products.
State minister for handloom and textiles S Gokula Indira on Tuesday after inaugurating the special ‘aadi’ in Madurai said that this year the government is keen on distributing 25,000 pirn winding machines and 2,500 pneumatic lifting machines to weavers. The machines would go a long way in improving the working conditions of the weavers.
Apart from this the Chief Minister has allotted a sum of Rs 210 crore to build green houses equipped with solar power systems for 10,000 weavers.
Expo-cum-sale ‘Aadi’ offer sale of products by silk weavers attached to cooperative societies from Thirubuvanam, Kancheepuram, Kumbakonam, Cuddalore and Salem.
They are associated with 1,164 handloom weavers’ cooperative societies and 181 power loom weavers’ cooperative societies.
Last year, 824 weavers cooperative societies were functioning in a profitable manner. This year the number of societies running profitably has increased to 908 due to the efforts of chief minister.
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