The Tamil Nadu government has sanction Rs 14 lakh to state-run Cooptex, a Tamil Nadu Handloom Weavers’ Co-operative Society to help them move ahead with the plan to revive primal traditional saree varieties of Tamil Nadu.
There are very few weavers skilled in making traditional sarees of Tamil Nadu like Kandangi, Sungudi, Chinnalampatti and Koorai Nadu that were popular decades ago. Efforts are on to identify such craftsmen and convince them to start weaving back these traditional sarees for Cooptex.
Coopex’s revival plan aims at supporting the weavers, apart from bringing back colourful traditional Tamil Nadu sarees in its original form. It would be providing incentives to member-societies and weavers under the revival package for making traditional sarees.
The core features of ancient sarees would be retained; the interventions will be in the areas of design and colour to suit the needs and sensibilities of modern day working women.
The traditional saree varieties Sungudi, Kandangi, Chinnalampatti and Koorai Nadu had a huge market earlier but sale of such varieties is now insignificant.
Chettinadu region [Karaikudi and its surroundings] is home to “Kandangi†variety. Made of cent per cent cotton, it is well known for its dark colours and check patterns.
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