
Sportking India launches San-Vardhan cotton initiative

YarnsandFibers News Bureau 2024-07-23 15:35:09 – India

To address the issue of Pink Bollworm (PBW) attack damaging the cotton crop in Northern India, textile company Sportking India has partnered with ATGC Biotech, Reviving Green Revolution Cell, and Team Athena Pvt. Ltd. to launch the 'San-Vardhan' (Cotton You Can Trust) initiative in Punjab and Haryana.

As part of this initiative, ATGC Biotech introduced the CREMIT (Controlled Release Enhanced Mating Interruption Technology), which promotes eco-friendly population control through 'Insect Family Planning,' reducing the need for traditional insecticides and improving PBW control.

San-Vardhan offers a comprehensive approach to managing PBW, including agronomy and nutrient practices, and ensures traceability of the produce. The initiative is being implemented across 2,000 acres in three districts of Punjab and Haryana, with over 500 cotton farmers receiving training in Integrated Nutrient Management (INM).

Munish Avasthi, Managing Director of Sportking India Limited, stated, “The reduction of cotton output is a significant loss to smallholder farmers, ginners, yarn manufacturers, and the entire value chain. PBW is a costly pest, threatening farmers' income and disrupting the cotton supply. We are pleased to fund the CSR project 'San-Vardhan' with CREMIT technology to support North Indian cotton farmers.”

Dr. Baljinder Saini, Executive Director of Reviving Green Revolution Cell (RGR Cell), the project's implementing partner, added, “I am very happy that the textile industry is stepping up to help cotton farmers. I hope to see similar initiatives launched in Central and South Indian cotton-growing areas.”

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