The import of silk from China, and illegal trade has been affecting the farmers in Tamil Nadu. In support of the farmers, the Silk Cocoon Manufactures Association on Tuesday picketed the office of Director of Sericulture, demanding that the State Government should pay Rs. 50 a kg as incentive to cocoon farmers.
As the Director of Sericulture had gone to Chennai to attend a meeting, they submitted a petition to officials.
The association president, Shanmuga Sundaram, said that the earlier import duty of 40 per cent for silk from China has been brought down to 10 per cent.
According to farmers, fluctuations in price, non-availability of labourers, and increase in input costs were posing a major threat to sericulture. Also there is a need to fix a base price for the finished products too.
The production cost of cocoon has gone up whereas the market rate has come down over the months as the result silk markets in various districts were not functioning properly, due to which the farmers are forced to depend on markets in Karnataka.
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