
RE&UP introduces technology to recycle polycotton blends

YarnsandFibers News Bureau 2024-05-24 17:16:23 – Turkey

Circulartech company RE&UP unveiled its patented technology designed to separate polycotton blends into recyclable next-generation cotton and polyester fibers. This textile-to-textile solution, described as "Feedstock Agnostic," produces materials comparable in performance to virgin fibers, boasting strong fiber length, complete decolorization, and a significant reduction in water usage and CO2 emissions by 85%.

RE&UP presented these advancements at the Global Fashion Summit in Copenhagen from May 21-23, highlighting the immediate applicability of their technology for yarns, fabrics, and garments at scale. The company's chairman, Fatih Konukoglu, participated in a fireside chat titled ‘Future Fibers: Enabling the Circular Model’, while chief sustainability officer Ebru Ozkucuk Guler joined the ‘Unlocking Global Collaboration’ panel.

Konukoglu emphasized RE&UP’s commitment to advancing sustainability in textiles, leveraging the century-long expertise of its parent company, Sanko. RE&UP operates facilities in Türkiye and plans to expand into Europe and Asia, aiming to recycle over 200,000 tonnes of textile waste annually by 2025 and over 1 million tonnes globally by 2030.

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